Monday, October 8, 2012

Quiz No. 2

Quiz No. 2 :
 Date: 7-20-2013
Time Limit: 1 hour to be received in email.


1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Quiz_2 .  Be certain the JPEG file is saved with this format!

2: Be sure that the PSD (Photoshop) File is an 11" x 17" with the same margins and layout as the Midterm.  200 dpi.

3: Groups: There are no groups for this quiz.  However, the environments + people within each file SHOULD be different.

4: Assignment: 
  • Insert an environment as your backdrop.  The 3 options for the backdrop will either be:
    • Mountain: 67% mountain(2/3 bottom horizontal).  33% sky (1/3 top horizontal).   
    • Ocean: 67% ocean (2/3 bottom horizontal).  33% sky.  (1/3 top horizontal).
    • Dessert: 67% dessert (2/3 bottom horizontal).  33% sky. (1/3 top horizontal).
    • Swamp: 67% swamp (2/3 bottom horizontal).  33% sky (1/3 top horizontal).   Just like you saw in class.
  • Draw the object perspective presented in the image (either in CAD or Photoshop) as they are posted on the blog.  (If drawn in CAD, save it as a PDF and bring it into Photoshop.  There are 2 mandatory lineweights.  That of the exterior (.35 thickness) and the interior of the object (.15 thickness).
  • "Reflect" part of your environment on the facade of the drawn object. This reflection may be slightly blurred for a better effect. 
  • Add Materials to the Object (I recommend creating a white layer behind the object with the Pen Tool first).  The material may be:
    • Concrete
    • Wood (Paneling)
    • Steel
    • Pink Marble
    • Green Wall (Google it)
    • Brick 
    • The materials will be specified during the quiz.  Scale them appropriately during the quiz.
  • Add at least 3 individual people into the environment.  2 inside the object, 1 outside the object.
  • Shadows as appropriate for the people + object. (Be consistent with the light source).
  • Partly Desaturate the final product: Save As a new file "_Flattened Image".  Flatten the image and desaturate / add filters as you see fit.   NOTE: In order to Filter for effects, this website has some advice of how to give your image a "vintage feel".  You may add multiple filters.  Film Grain is a personal favorite.
  • Make the final product your own!

5: Save to JPEG - Quality = 8 (if you do not know what this means, try creating a jpeg from Photoshop.  You will be prompted to select the output quality.  Bring it down to 8)

6: Submittal: JPEG file shall be submitted to before the hour's end

* Note: if you cannot make it to the day of a Quiz, you may make it at the assigned make up date, usually the week after the initial quiz.  A more difficult quiz will replace the one of the original date and the same time limit will be given during class time.  If you know that you cannot make it to class on any particular day, please comment below with the date(s) you will be absent and I will do my best to not have a Quiz on that particular date.  Once the date of the Quiz is posted online, it will not change.