1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Assignment_1
2: Be sure Units is on "Architectural", "Decimal Degrees" & "Inches"
3: Draw the 3 Superstudio Objects from Image Superstudio_1 in:
- 1 - Plan (per object - 3 total)
- 4 - Elevations (per object - 12 total)
- *BONUS* 1 - Axonometric @ 45 degrees (per object - 3 total)
- Object dimensions: 10' wide x 20' deep x 10' high (at the tallest point); 5' high (at the height of the base)
5: Layers - Plot with Layers - ie. Front (Magenta) - Back (Green) - Grid (Blue)
6: Plot - DWG to PDF - Scale 1/8" = 1'-0" - Paper Size 11" x 17"
7: File type for blog - Convert the PDF to a JPEG with the program of your choosing
8: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG with the image icon - Publish Post!) + Email the PDF file to ecalil@fiu.edu as an attachment.
9: Title email + Blogpost : [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Assignment_1
Due Date: 7-10-13 (Wednesday) by 11:59 PM