Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Assignment No. 1

Assignment No. 1 :

1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Assignment_1

2: Be sure Units is on "Architectural", "Decimal Degrees" & "Inches"

3: Draw the 3 Superstudio Objects from Image Superstudio_1 in:

  • 1 - Plan (per object - 3 total)
  • 4 - Elevations (per object - 12 total)
  • *BONUS* 1 - Axonometric @ 45 degrees (per object - 3 total)
  • Object dimensions: 10' wide x 20' deep x 10' high (at the tallest point); 5' high (at the height of the base)

    4: Label Each Drawing - ie. Plan - Front Elevation - Rear Elevation - Side Elevation 1 - Side Elevation 2

    5: Layers - Plot with Layers - ie. Front (Magenta) - Back (Green) - Grid (Blue)

    6: Plot - DWG to PDF - Scale 1/8" = 1'-0" - Paper Size 11" x 17"

    7: File type for blog - Convert the PDF to a JPEG with the program of your choosing

    8: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG with the image icon - Publish Post!) + Email the PDF file to ecalil@fiu.edu  as an attachment.

    9: Title email + Blogpost : [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Assignment_1

    Due Date:  7-10-13 (Wednesday) by 11:59 PM


    1. How can I do the arc for the second isometric?

    2. "arc" to create an arc. it doesn't have to be perfect. just create the arc with two endpoints of your liking (roughly centered). post the image when you can so that I may review it before the due date if you can.

    3. Can you give us the measurements for the assignment n1? Or can you be more precise on what you want us to do? I am kinda confused with how you want us to do the homework, and I would appreciate the help, thank you

      1. 20' long x 10' wide x 10' high. The grid is 1' x 1'.

    4. What kind of colors should we use for the axonometric? It's hard to determine front and back on something that is 3D.

      1. Also, I have a student version of AutoCAD and it has a watermark when it is plotted. Is that okay and is there a way to remove it?

      2. The colors for the Axo are Magenta and Blue. We are not taking into account the depth for those.

        The watermark is fine for this assignment. If you wanted to be rid of it, you may Photoshop it out. This is what you will need to do once the Midterm and Final assignments are dues.

    5. Is it fine if we use the line weights .05mm , .25mm , and .40mm for the mac version of AutoCAD? They are the closest preset line weights.

      1. I would prefer that you do not. We will be dealing with even more lineweights next class. Some of which may be using those LW numbers. CAD lets you customize some LW. Try Google searching if you are not certain how to do this or you can wait until Monday's class. I recommend doing a little research in order to not leave things to the last minute.

    6. When I try to Plot, set the DWG to PDF, then set the to Scale 1/8" = 1'-0", then set the Paper Size to 11" x 17", I try the preview and it shows a really small image of my work, the image is set on the 11"x17" paper. It seams the scale is wrong, but I checked it and its right. I tried fit to page and the image shows up in a better scale.
      I am missing a step? Please advice. Thanks in advance.

      1. Check that you made the drawing at the right scale. Go step by step. Worst case scenario, Google/Youtube search or ask anyone who has already posted it correctly if you see them around. Ask me after class next time as well. I'm usually there for a while after.

    7. What are the line weights for each color?

      1. Front - Magenta: .45
        Rear - Green: .25
        Grid - Blue: .10

    8. 5' is the height of the main base. This base is the same height, depth, and width for all 3 objects.

      The rectangle extension of object 1 goes to the 10' height.

      The semicircle and pyramid may also go to the 10' height or lower. Ie. they may be at 7' - 10' high.

    9. When I am doing the plot I can not see the line weights unless I zoom in; also if I save it either as a JPG or PDF it does not show them. The drawing looks as if it has all the same line weights. I believe the scale is right. please let me know what I am doing wrong.

    10. what are the steps for creating a grid on the axonometric drawings? I tryed using the boundary hatch but when I converted a solid to a grid it still appears solid.

      1. just copy / paste the 45 degree angle lines vertically. They should be spaced apart at 1 foot vertical intervals

    11. Have you set the colors with different lineweights?
