Assignment No. 2 :
1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Assignment_2_[type of drawing, ie. plans, sections, elevations, detail]
2: Be sure Units is on "Architectural", "Decimal Degrees" & "Inches"
3: Draw the following plans pertaining to your assigned projects:
- 2 - Plans (ie. Ground Level Floor Plan, Roof Plan) - Scale 1/8" = 1'-0"
- 1 - Site Plan with Roof Plan - Scale 1/16" = 1'-0"
- 4 - Elevations (ie. titled North (Front) Elevation, South (Rear) Elevation, ect.) - Scale 1/8" = 1'-0"
- 1 - Project Detail Section - Scale 1/2" = 1'-0" (details must consist of at least 3 or more pieces of the architecture and how they connect / relate to each other)
- *BONUS* - Longitudinal Section - Scale 1/8" = 1'-0"
- *BONUS 2* - Have the Midterm Cover Sheet and Table of Contents with the proper information on the Midterm Portfolio; also have the fonts on every page be the same.
5: Layers - Plot with Layers - assignment_2_layers
6: Plot - DWG to PDF - Paper Size 11" x 17"
7: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG - Publish Post!) ONLY if you have any questions pertaining to the assignment. You do NOT need to post on the blog for this assignment.
Due Date: @ Midterm due date
Professor can you resend me the invitation again to contribute the Arc4058 summer..because I Still can not access this bloog or post mu assingments..thanks. victor gavidia.
the 10 drawings are supposed to fit inside the 11x17 in page ?