Saturday, September 8, 2012

Assignment No. 2 + Quiz No. 1 Layers + Lineweights

Plot Style Table Pen Assignments (Line weights):
Color 1 - 0.18
Color 2 - 0.18
Color 3 - 0.25
Color 4 - 0.13
Color 5 - 0.10
Color 6 - 0.45
Color 8 - 0.05

1 comment:

  1. -Elevation 1-6 represents closest to you to furthest. Magenta, being the thickest line weight, would be the closest. Details within, such as inner door frames and inner mullions of windows, line weight. Details on walls, wall screeds, door knobs, etc. should be the lightest line weight (color 8, grey).

    -Base = Base of Elevation

    -CBS = Concrete Block Structure

    - Defpoints = Any layer you do not want printed

    -Hatch = hatch layer (however, the color, 253, is only to be used if you are hatching the ground beneath the base or within cbs walls)

    -Win = Windows

    -Dim = Dimensions

    -Furn = Furniture

    -Use Elev 1-6 in the elevations. Use cbs, window, door, step, etc. layers in the floor plans. Floor plans represent what is being cut through versus what is in the space. Elevations measure objects / building distances from you and similar details within and throughout their facades. The drawings should reflect this.
