Monday, October 8, 2012

Quiz No. 2

Quiz No. 2 :
 Date: 7-20-2013
Time Limit: 1 hour to be received in email.


1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Quiz_2 .  Be certain the JPEG file is saved with this format!

2: Be sure that the PSD (Photoshop) File is an 11" x 17" with the same margins and layout as the Midterm.  200 dpi.

3: Groups: There are no groups for this quiz.  However, the environments + people within each file SHOULD be different.

4: Assignment: 
  • Insert an environment as your backdrop.  The 3 options for the backdrop will either be:
    • Mountain: 67% mountain(2/3 bottom horizontal).  33% sky (1/3 top horizontal).   
    • Ocean: 67% ocean (2/3 bottom horizontal).  33% sky.  (1/3 top horizontal).
    • Dessert: 67% dessert (2/3 bottom horizontal).  33% sky. (1/3 top horizontal).
    • Swamp: 67% swamp (2/3 bottom horizontal).  33% sky (1/3 top horizontal).   Just like you saw in class.
  • Draw the object perspective presented in the image (either in CAD or Photoshop) as they are posted on the blog.  (If drawn in CAD, save it as a PDF and bring it into Photoshop.  There are 2 mandatory lineweights.  That of the exterior (.35 thickness) and the interior of the object (.15 thickness).
  • "Reflect" part of your environment on the facade of the drawn object. This reflection may be slightly blurred for a better effect. 
  • Add Materials to the Object (I recommend creating a white layer behind the object with the Pen Tool first).  The material may be:
    • Concrete
    • Wood (Paneling)
    • Steel
    • Pink Marble
    • Green Wall (Google it)
    • Brick 
    • The materials will be specified during the quiz.  Scale them appropriately during the quiz.
  • Add at least 3 individual people into the environment.  2 inside the object, 1 outside the object.
  • Shadows as appropriate for the people + object. (Be consistent with the light source).
  • Partly Desaturate the final product: Save As a new file "_Flattened Image".  Flatten the image and desaturate / add filters as you see fit.   NOTE: In order to Filter for effects, this website has some advice of how to give your image a "vintage feel".  You may add multiple filters.  Film Grain is a personal favorite.
  • Make the final product your own!

5: Save to JPEG - Quality = 8 (if you do not know what this means, try creating a jpeg from Photoshop.  You will be prompted to select the output quality.  Bring it down to 8)

6: Submittal: JPEG file shall be submitted to before the hour's end

* Note: if you cannot make it to the day of a Quiz, you may make it at the assigned make up date, usually the week after the initial quiz.  A more difficult quiz will replace the one of the original date and the same time limit will be given during class time.  If you know that you cannot make it to class on any particular day, please comment below with the date(s) you will be absent and I will do my best to not have a Quiz on that particular date.  Once the date of the Quiz is posted online, it will not change.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sample Images - Assignment No. 3-5 + Quiz No. 2-3

Details Comparison Sample Image (Assignment No. 3)

Quiz 2 Sample Image

Rendered Image in Photoshop Sample Image

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Assignment No. 3

Assignment No. 3 (Updated on 7.20.13) :

1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Assignment_3_[setting type, ie. Interior_1]

2: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color

3: Assignment: Model 2 project details in Rhino consisting of at least 3 different materials, displaying how they work together.   Both details are to be on one sheet.  Please refer to the blog for the  sample layout.  Write a brief description, 50-100 words, describing the details and their relevance to the architecture.  
  • 1- 11" x 17" page with:
    • 1 - Brief description of the materials and detail components, describing their significance to the architecture (50-100 words).
    • 2 - Project details print screened and cropped
    • 2- Project details (same as the print screens) fully rendered with their respective materials and components)
  • *BONUS 1*  1 more sheet with 2 more details as described above.
  • *BONUS 2*  1 more sheet with 2 more details as described above.
    4: Label Each Drawing - ie. Roof Detail, Window Detail, Concrete Slab Detail, etc. .....

    5: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG - Publish Post!) ONLY if you have any questions pertaining to the assignment.  You do NOT need to post on the blog for this assignment.

    Due Date:  @ Midterm

    Saturday, September 8, 2012

    Assignment No. 2 + Quiz No. 1 Layers + Lineweights

    Plot Style Table Pen Assignments (Line weights):
    Color 1 - 0.18
    Color 2 - 0.18
    Color 3 - 0.25
    Color 4 - 0.13
    Color 5 - 0.10
    Color 6 - 0.45
    Color 8 - 0.05

    Sunday, September 2, 2012

    Assignment No. 2

    Assignment No. 2 :

    1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Assignment_2_[type of drawing, ie. plans, sections, elevations, detail]

    2: Be sure Units is on "Architectural", "Decimal Degrees" & "Inches"

    3: Draw the following plans pertaining to your assigned projects:
    • 2 - Plans   (ie. Ground Level Floor Plan, Roof Plan) - Scale 1/8" = 1'-0"    
    • 1 - Site Plan with Roof Plan - Scale 1/16" = 1'-0"
    • 4 - Elevations (ie. titled North (Front) Elevation, South (Rear) Elevation, ect.) - Scale 1/8" = 1'-0"
    • 1 - Project Detail Section - Scale 1/2" = 1'-0" (details must consist of at least 3 or more pieces of the architecture and how they connect / relate to each other)
    • *BONUS*      - Longitudinal Section - Scale 1/8" = 1'-0"
    • *BONUS 2*   - Have the Midterm Cover Sheet and Table of Contents with the proper information on the Midterm Portfolio; also have the fonts on every page be the same.
      4: Label Each Drawing - ie. First Level Floor Plan - Site Plan - Front Elevation - Rear Elevation - Side Elevation 1 - Side Elevation 2

      5: Layers - Plot with Layers - assignment_2_layers

      6: Plot - DWG to PDF - Paper Size 11" x 17"

      7: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG - Publish Post!) ONLY if you have any questions pertaining to the assignment.  You do NOT need to post on the blog for this assignment.

      Due Date:  @ Midterm due date 

      Assignment No. 2 Projects

      Assignment No. 2 Projects :

      These assignments are split by First Letter of your Last Name.  If you would like a different project, you can either take one of the alternatives or trade your project with someone else in class.  You MUST inform me that you are trading projects so that I may mark it down as such.  In the event of a trade, BOTH parties must write the projects being traded in the comments below.

      The project selected will also be part of Assignments No. 5 + 6 (Rhino Modeling Assignments). I suggest that you work together with anyone else that has the same building so that you may, together, find any relevant drawings / elevations / photographs / books to share.  However, all drawings and work turned in must be YOUR OWN.  

      Project List:

      Last Name A-D
      Malin "Chemosphere" Residence
      John Lautner

      Last Name E-H
      Umbrella House 
      Paul Rudolph

      Last Name I-R
      Jacobs II "Solar Hemicircle"
      Frank Lloyd Wright

      Last Name S-Z
      Robinson House
      Marcel Breuer



      Wednesday, August 29, 2012

      Quiz No. 1

      Quiz No. 1 :
      Date: 7-13-2013
      Time Limit: 1 hour to be received in email.


      1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Quiz_1 .  Be certain the CAD + PDF files are saved with this format!

      2: Be sure Units is on "Architectural", "Decimal Degrees" & "Inches"

      3: Groups: The Quiz is separated into 2 different Groups.  Group A will be responsible for drawing the assignment designated to them.  Group B is responsible for theirs.  Failure to do the assignment designated to your Group is an instant 50% drop to the Quiz grade.

      Group A:  Student group Odd Student ID Last #
      Group B:  Student group Even Student ID Last #

      4: Assignment: Draw the elevations as they are posted on the blog.  You may use the image as an external reference in your drawing.  You may scale the reference as well.

      5: Plot - DWG to PDF - Plot with Layers - assignment_2_layer- 11" x 17" at Scale: (scale represented in the image)

      6: Submittal: PDF file shall be submitted to before the hour's end

      * Note: if you cannot make it to the day of a Quiz, you may make it at the assigned make up date, usually the week after the initial quiz.  A more difficult quiz will replace the one of the original date and the same time limit will be given during class time.  If you know that you cannot make it to class on any particular day, please comment below with the date(s) you will be absent and I will do my best to not have a Quiz on that particular date.  Once the date of the Quiz is posted online, it will not change.

      Tuesday, May 1, 2012

      Assignment No. 1

      Assignment No. 1 :

      1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Assignment_1

      2: Be sure Units is on "Architectural", "Decimal Degrees" & "Inches"

      3: Draw the 3 Superstudio Objects from Image Superstudio_1 in:

      • 1 - Plan (per object - 3 total)
      • 4 - Elevations (per object - 12 total)
      • *BONUS* 1 - Axonometric @ 45 degrees (per object - 3 total)
      • Object dimensions: 10' wide x 20' deep x 10' high (at the tallest point); 5' high (at the height of the base)

        4: Label Each Drawing - ie. Plan - Front Elevation - Rear Elevation - Side Elevation 1 - Side Elevation 2

        5: Layers - Plot with Layers - ie. Front (Magenta) - Back (Green) - Grid (Blue)

        6: Plot - DWG to PDF - Scale 1/8" = 1'-0" - Paper Size 11" x 17"

        7: File type for blog - Convert the PDF to a JPEG with the program of your choosing

        8: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG with the image icon - Publish Post!) + Email the PDF file to  as an attachment.

        9: Title email + Blogpost : [Last Name][First Name]_ARC4058_Assignment_1

        Due Date:  7-10-13 (Wednesday) by 11:59 PM

        Assignment No. 1 Images



        AUTOCAD DOWNLOAD: Autodesk Education Community

        Please visit the Autodesk Education Community to download the educational version of AutoCAD. When you register with Autodesk you are assigned a personal serial number that gives you an extended license for the program.

        Welcome to ARC 4058 Fall 2012

        Fundamentals of Digital Design Summer 2013
        Welcome to the blog for ARC 4058. Look here for posts on assignments, software tutorials, and other class info.

        Please follow this link to access the syllabus for the class.  This syllabus will be updated before the next class.