Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Assignment No. 2 Plans + Elevation Samples (with Layers)

Please comment if you have any questions
* Note: for Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0", I am using a text size of 12".  Please do this as well.

CAD plans CAD elevations (so that you may see my layers)

PDF plan (1 of 4) 
* Note: I have added the North arrow in the plan.  If you do not have it for this assignment, please do so for the Midterm / Final

CAD elevations (so that you may see my layers)

PDF elevations (front elevation repeated x 4 with dimensions for elevations.  Your versions do NOT have to be exact, but this should be helpful if you need it; You may also fit multiple elevations per sheet if they fit as I did here or have one per sheet.  Either method is correct so long as you label each elevation)


  1. Which layers is set for the landscape on the site plan?. Can i use the furn layer?

    1. Any light layer will do. You may use the "Furn", or Furniture, layer. However, better practice would be to create a new layer called "landscape" or something similar with a light line weight, such as that for "Furn".

  2. The words are on the page. The scale of the words may just be minuscule. After you type the word, click out of the text box. Then try selecting the area where you think you wrote the text. If it selects something but you cannot see it, zoom in to that area or type "Z" [Enter} "O" [Enter} to select the object that you highlighted.

    Regardless, you should set up the Text Sizes as we did in class in the "_style" menu. That way you start with a controlled text size.
