Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Google Hangout Session No. 2

Wednesday, 7.29.13, from  9-10 PM

I am offering a Google Hangouts session from 8 PM through 10 PM on Thursday, July 23.  I am offering 2 different sessions: 
  • 9 00 - 9 30
  • 9 30 - 10 00
Please reply to my comments below with the time slot you would like.  Reply to the comment that I posted with the specific time slot.  I will send invites to those who request the class.  The maximum amount per session will be 6 students.  Please include your email address with the request in the comments ( or  

Please have your models, files and questions ready as I will be able to see your work from my computer.  I also recommend you try Google Hangouts beforehand with a friend so as to prevent technical errors when trying to join.